Monday, September 30, 2013

Sweet Kate

 She's doing her hair on her own
She loves Gatorade {hence the red lips}

 She's beautiful inside and out
The freckles keep popping out!
We adore her.

Friday, September 27, 2013

Saturday Morning Soccer

It's kind of a little crazy. Parents and kids and soccer balls!
I didn't know it was parent participation when I signed Reed up but it works and Jeremy LOVES it. {He loves it as much as a dentist appointment}

 Reed loves his Saturday morning soccer so that is all that matters. He's learning ball handling skills, how to NOT use his hands, and scoring a goal is always the best!

 The sisters!
Don't really love sitting for an hour to watch brother but he suffers through all of their things so I tell them to tough it out :)

 This 6 week program is perfect for him!
Next year though, he has asked to play football, I'm guessing because it is a little more aggressive!

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

On 8-22-13 she WAS 5 months

 Sweet Adelaide is a beautiful baby. She has the best smiles, the best belly laugh and gives the most slobbery kisses!
 The big kids adore her and smother her and she tolerates them. But when she has had enough she will definitely let us know!
 I'm grateful that most days she still sleeps through the night!
Nap times are becoming more dependable too. YAY for schedule!!

 What little hair she has definitely has a red tint to it, which makes Great Grandma Reed so very happy!
She's a mommy's girl and I'm so okay with that!

 Happy belated 5 months baby girl!
You're our fabulous caboose or Sweet Ladie-beth as Daddy calls you :)

Monday, September 23, 2013

She's 7!

 2 weeks ago our sweet girl turned 7. Hello?! How is that even possible.
She had planned her birthday day for weeks! She wanted to go to the aquarium, to Bass Pro {Jeremy swears he had NOTHING to do with that request!}, out to lunch at Arby's and she wanted drums!
Her wishes came true and to make her special day even better she brought along her Uncle K9 and Aunt Kelsey from Nebraska!!

 At 7 Kate loves:
the color purple
music {it is how she learns best}
She has just taught herself how to tie and she loves showing off this new skill
she loves, LOVES mashed potatoes and gravy
helping with her baby sister
meeting new people, no one is a stranger

We love you Miss Kate the Great! And are so excited for a brand new year with you!

 Daddy made this cake! I'm so glad he started this tradition and not me!!

Her new ballet gear from Gramps and Grammy!

Friday, September 20, 2013

Extra Curriculars!

 As we were planning out our school year we have decided that it was the year to start the "extras"
{that was a crazy idea!}
So we jumped in ...
Emma is taking piano lessons and loving it!
 On top of CC, Friday Co-op and Wednesday night church all 3 big kiddos are participating in a weekly Spanish class that we host in our home with about 6 other kids! We found a fabulous teacher and they are LOVING it!!
 Reed started soccer and then continues to wear his shin guards after "games" on Saturdays! They might be this seasons, "yellow boots"
Miss Kate is taking a combo tap/ballet class. She adores her teacher and is loving every minute of her 1 hour class.

Jeremy is also taking a Kung Fu class twice a week. Someday he'll let me take pictures. He tests for his next belt/sash color this week! 

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

First Day of School

 Way back in August we started Classical Conversations at a new campus!
We are loving the change.
 This year at home I am officially teaching two first graders! {doesn't seem possible} Reed has joined us at the dinner/craft/school table in his official preschool year and Sweet Adelaide is learning new things every day! It will be a busy year for me but I'm so thankful for the opportunity to home educate. On top of teaching at home, I am also tutoring a class at CC this year. It's a class full of 4/5 year olds.
 She loves CC this year and her new teacher Miss Robyn. Her learning is leaps and bounds ahead of last year. I think we have found her learning style and what works best for her and I'm so excited about that.
 This girl is loving school and is loving her new found freedom in reading. This year she gets to pick what grade she's in when it comes to activities and she goes back and forth between kindergarten and first grade!!
 He's the monster of his preschool class at CC. Giving his teacher a run for her money. It's the first time I've ever gotten an e-mail re: my child's behavior. Humbling! So not only are we working on ABCs and 123s but we're also working on behavior!
Our year is off to a great start! With lots of exciting things still to come!!