The Daddy:
*Is working very hard! He has yet another new position at work and is constantly learning something new!
*Is enjoying the new pool almost as much as the 2, 6 year olds
*Is excited to be starting Kung Fu classes this fall!
*Is ready for the hot Oklahoma summer to end so that he can comfortably spend time outside
The Mommy:
*I'm finally feeling like I can handle my role as mom to 4. This transition has probably been harder than when adding any other kiddo
*I'm feeling GREAT about our 2013-2014 school year. We have slowly started working back into our school routine ... I think we're going to learn lots.
*Starting in August will have a paying "job" again! I will be a tutor at our new Classical Conversations campus. I'm super excited about this opportunity.
*Looking forward to my parents visiting in August. They are planning on being here when Emmaline is baptized and I'm thankful they will join us for this special day!

This Kate:
*Is mastering the two wheeler with training wheels. She's doing great! We went on a mile ride the other morning and minus a few steering issues she's a pro!
*Is missing her front tooth with it's neighbor loose too! Pretty soon she won't have many teeth left!
*Is not enjoying being back in school mode but she grins and bears it so she can swim after it's all over!
*Is waiting, too much waiting, for ballet to start at the end of August
This Emma:
*Is learning how to swim under water and is pretty proud of her self
*Is loving the routine of school! She has done two weeks worth of math in 3 days. And fusses when I make her put her math book up
*Is SUPER excited about being baptized. She worked her way through 17 pages of scripture and questions and has made a huge decision! We are so proud of her.
*Is excited to meet her piano teacher on Monday & for piano lessons to start this fall!
This Reed:
*This little man is struggling to find his spot among 3 sisters. We're working through it but we've had some rough days.
*He refused to sing during the music camp performance but since then has made us listen to his "concert" in the living room! He knows every word & action!
*He doesn't want a hair cut and lets me know it! I told him we'll give him until September & then some of it has got to go.
*Starts soccer this fall and is pretty sure he needs to wear the famous yellow boots!
This Adelaide:
*Is rolling over! She can go back to tummy or tummy to back
*She sleeps maybe an hour during the day but thankfully gives us 8-12 hours every night!
*She loves to snuggle with Daddy and gives him the biggest smiles
*She gives fabulous, slobbery kisses