How far along:
37 weeks ... only 2 weeks to go because of my scheduled c-section. Everything looks good for this baby to stay put until back-up {AKA: Grandma} arrivesTotal weight gain:
I have gained 18 pounds with this sweet girl. I'm pretty sure I've gained about 8 in just water weight in the last month. I'm so, SO swollen!Sleep:
8-10 hours a night! It's fabulous and I never want it to end!![]() |
Photo taken during our recent family photo shoot! |
Food cravings:
- Nothing: nothing sounds good or is tasting good.
- Carpel Tunnel: It is the strangest thing ever! And painful. I'm pretty much useless with my right hand. My doctor "thinks" it will go away after delivery but there is a small chance it could stick around & require surgery.
- Heartburn: As always
- Nesting: although it is decreasing as I get more tired. Now just getting daily tasks done is enough to make me need a nap.
A sweet baby girl with a solid name!!!What I’m looking forward to:
- My mom & then Jeremy's mom visiting! So selfishly looking forward to that time.
- Seeing her cute face: I got to see her sweet face on the ultrasound screen this week & it makes me so, SO excited to look at her.
- Watching the "big kids" meet the baby! The girls especially are so, SO excited & are counting down the days until they can come up to the hospital to meet "sister!" They won't meet her until the day after she is born so that I can be "with it" when they are first introduced to each other!
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